All about Michigan Wolves

Michigan DNR Wolf Resources

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) has done a great deal of work on Michigan wolves and the wolf population including population size estimates, social carrying capacity, gathering public input and providing some excellent resources about our wolves.

The latest information and news through the MDNR on Michigan wolves can be found at Here are some direct links to some of the information available:

As of the latest update of this page on June 24, 2015 it is illegal to hunt wolves in Michigan because a Federal court order returns wolves to endangered species list. The anti-hunting groups found a single sympathetic judge who ruled that all the wolves had to be included under the same umbrella of endangered rather than going along with the US Fish and Wildlife Services and MDNR experts’ opinions that the Great Lakes region wolves have grown in numbers beyond their social carrying capacity, well beyond the goal of a couple hundred wolves for Michigan with over 600 wolves now.
